
water flush中文是什么意思

  • 水冲洗
  • 水循环洗井



  • 例句与用法
  • No . 4 cargo holder water flushing , safety attention
  • Salt water flushing system
  • Water flush testing
  • The order also proposes a waiver of water , sewage and fresh water flushing charges for the 12 - month period commencing on april 1 2002 , subject to specified maximum amounts
  • After the enactment of legislation for the provision of a water flushing system in 1960 , the government began setting up seawater supply systems in various districts of hong kong island and kowloon
  • Hc agreed to set up a subcommittee to scrutinize revenue variation of fees and charges order 2002 which sought to waive the business registration fee and reduce the water charge , fresh water flushing charge , sewage charge and tes for the financial year 02 03
  • The first districts to be equipped were cheung sha wan , wong tai sin , jordan valley , kwun tong , north point and chai wan . in 1959 , the government formally reviewed regulation 19 of the buildings ordinance , requiring that private buildings be equipped with water flushing facilities
  • For the uf progress , the service pressure control below 0 . 12mpa is quite reasonable . the best water flushing method is direction flushes - the recoil flushes - suitable flushes . the best flush time is 60 - 80s ; the best recoil washes current is about 2 - 2 . 5 times of the produce water current
    2 .在超滤工艺中,操作压力控制在0 . 12mpa以下比较合理;最佳水力冲洗方式为顺冲-反冲-顺冲;最佳的反冲洗时间为60 - 80s ,最佳的反冲洗流量为产水流量的2 - 2 . 5倍。
  • Through the experiment , four engineering questions are answered : 1 . whether the notching construction can be done on the wet beach of the downstream of the yellow river with the blasting method ; 2 . whether the ditches can be created by the blasting and how long can be maintained ; 3 . whether the ditches can be used to divert water and form a new river channel by water flushing ; 4 . the impacts on the safety of the existing projects therein from the blasting concerned
  • 推荐英语阅读
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